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  • Writer's pictureJessica Howard

Emerging speciality coffee trends for 2020

What can we expect from the new year coffee scene?

Cold brew experimentation.

Try out different grain sizes (coarse-medium) and brew times (14-22 hours) to get the best flavour profile for your coffee beans.

Caffeinated bubbles. This simple drink, an espresso poured over tonic water and ice, has surged within the speciality coffee scene. For best results, use a fruitier coffee, such as strains from Ethiopia.

Martinis everywhere! We’re expecting a big rise in coffee-based cocktails for 2020, to increase profit during evening hours and retain customer loyalty.

Honey, we’re changing the coffee. It takes a lot of water to process coffee, and as the industry become more concerned with the climate crisis, we predict that more niche ways of processing coffee beans will emerge, such as dry or honey processing, resulting in novel flavour notes in mainstream beans.

New brewing technology.

We’re likely to see a shift away from disposable pour over filters, and a step towards reusable metal or cloth filters. This will necessitate coarser grain sizes for your coffee, so make sure your coffee isn’t being under-extracted.

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